My Guide to Museums

My Guide to Museums
When I travel, I always like to find some time to visit the local museums, galleries, and art exhibitions. For me, this is not just inspirational, but it’s particularly rewarding to be able to see – close up – the work of artists I’ve studied in books or seen on a screen, and explore contemporary creatives, too. Then I can truly observe, absorb, and deconstruct the artwork, filing away techniques or color combinations or brush strokes in my head to be poured out later into my own creative endeavors. While there are many fabulous galleries and museums all over the world, here are some I try not to miss whenever I’m local, and you shouldn’t either:
New York City: As much as I love the Met, I appreciate small museums because you can see everything and get all the inspiration you need without overloading yourself. The Museum of Art & Design (MAD) at Columbus Circle has fascinating exhibitions of super creative craft arts that always get my brain going. While you’re there, head up to the top and have lunch (or dinner) overlooking Central Park at Robert.

Los Angeles: For a major city museum, Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) has a digestible mix of smaller exhibitions – from decorative arts to costume to contemporary works of art on the wall. The spaces are broken up so that you must walk outside to get to different galleries, which gives your eyes a moment to rest between exhibitions. If you're up for more, definitely go across the street to the Petersen Car Museum – this place blows your mind! And make sure you do the vault tour!
St Louis: The St. Louis Art Museum is perched on a hill overlooking beautiful Forest Park and has many treasures. From original masterpieces by renowned artists from around the world, like a classic large-scale Monet (of which you see me standing in front), to more contemporary artist exhibitions such as Aso Oke, there’s a ton to stimulate the brain. After you’re finished here, pop over to the Washington University in St Louis campus just 5 minutes away and visit their Kemper Art Museum to take in another great collection.

Santa Fe: The Georgia O’Keefe Museum is one of my favorite museums and artists. Ever since I was little I was drawn to her colorful, fluid works. This small museum packs a big punch with a nice compilation of O’Keefe’s work over the years. If you have time, definitely take a trip out to Abiquiú (about an hour north of Santa Fe) to get a sense of where she lived – it will certainly inform you of the backstory of her work and you’ll come away with a much richer appreciation of her artistry.
While in Europe...

NETHERLANDS There are, of course, so many great museums in Amsterdam that you shouldn’t miss, but there are fabulous spots just outside of the city that I love, too. In Den Hague, the M.C. Escher Museum is a neat way to view the span of an artist’s work during his lifetime. In Haarlem, The Teylers Museum is an intriguing space featuring a cross-section of science, cabinet of curiosity collectables and art that aren’t your normal museum fare.

AUSTRIA If you make it to Vienna, prepare to feast your eyes. The myriad of museums plus all the architecture (and history) could occupy you for weeks. One place not to miss is the Imperial Treasury. It is a most incredible collection of jewels (of course), vestments sewn with gems, silver and gold, and reliquaries. You could spend multiple hours here!

GREECE Most likely you’re flying into Athens, and a great museum to pop into is the Benaki Museum, right near Parliament. It has an extensive collection of Greek antiquities, and in particular, a gorgeous round up of hammered gold jewels. It also has a wonderful roof-top restaurant that is worth a visit!
So while you’re traveling in the next few months, or even if you’re staying “local”, make sure to put aside some time to visit the neighborhood art space. And let me know what YOUR favorite museum is!
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